Kategorie: Branchen-Nachrichten

No risk of infection in the lift

Ventilation in the lift does not work so well, but there are disinfection solutions that work like a fresh breeze through an open ...


The rise of Industry 4.0 in 5 stats

In short A look at five key statistics shows that Industry 4.0 activity has risen since 2011, with COVID-19 and the 2022 slowdown...


IIoT World Industrial Metaverse Day

The post IIoT World Industrial Metaverse Day appeared first on IIoT World.


How Digital Twins Are Revolutionizing Warehousing

Between labor shortages and supply chain issues, the warehouse industry is under considerable pressure right now. Production lines...


Leveraging IIoT, AI and Machine learning to optimi...

Manufacturing is poised to play a critical role in shaping the economy for the next decade and beyond. The opportunities are endle...


IIoT World ICS Cybersecurity Day

The post IIoT World ICS Cybersecurity Day appeared first on IIoT World.


November 2022 Industrial IoT & ICS Cybersecurity E...

“Autumn carries more gold in its pockets than all other seasons.” This month, we are bringing more events for all seasons. Below i...


[2022 Edition Survey Results] Building IIoT System...

In the past several years, many companies have started to plan or implement Industrial IoT projects aimed at connecting devices an...


Smart elevator solutions can be of great help in g...

The concept of green building has always been associated with environment and sustainability-related features such as green walls ...


5 Ways to Achieve More Sustainable Manufacturing P...

Businesses today are tasked with a lot more than just increasing profitability. Consumers are gradually becoming more aware of the...


IoT and IIoT are not a fad; these technology envir...

With the passing of each day, the term “the Internet of Things” and its acronym, IoT, are becoming more and more prevalent in the ...


[Report] Industry 4.0: Maturity of Adoption and It...

This report examines the data from a survey of more than 600 companies conducted by 451 Research and commissioned by Hitachi Vanta...


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